What is the difference between free and paid membership on TallSingles.co.uk

Difference between free and paid membership, paid membership, free membership, dating sites
Difference between free and paid membership

People often join tallsingles.co.uk as a free member but they don’t always know the difference between free and paid membership.

In case you didn’t know all dating sites say they are free to join and use, but that isn’t really the whole story.  Even PlentyofFish.com which is widely seen as a FREE site, has a premium upgrade.

So what does joining for FREE get you?

So you can always join an online dating site for free and TallSingles.co.uk is no different. Joining for free on dating sites allows you to:

  • Upload a photo and complete your profile
  • Search for members and look at their profiles
  • Receive emails from tallsingles.co.uk informing you of members who have uploaded new photos, new members, informing you that you have received a message and finally at times we have excellent special offers.

Note the one thing missing in this list which you can’t do under FREE membership, READ AND RESPOND to other memebers messages.

So why does FREE membership exist then?

So why do we have this level of membership? Well, there are many reasons, here are the most important:

1. People are still scared of internet dating

Believe it or not, people are very scared of internet dating. We believe that by giving a free membership you can take a look around, see it’s not all that frightening and upgrade to paid membership if you want to.

2. To find out if there are there registered members on the site that you would like to date living in your immediate area.

It’s obviously very important that the site has people registered in your area who you fancy.

It’s not worth joining a site if the one person you fancy lives in Edinburgh while you live in London!

Joining for free allows you to browse the members, run some searches and find out if there are people registered who live in your area that you fancy.

3. Try before you buyYou can try the site before you purchase

You can try the site before you purchase a membership. Once you have paid for membership, you can cancel within 14 days for a full refund.

If you cancel after 14 days, your membership will not be renewed but you will not receive a refund for the unused term of your membership. So it’s always good to try before you buy and be sure that membership is the right thing for you.

So should you jump straight into paid membership then?

We think you should use the FREE membership to take a look around the site and decide if it’s something you like.You should NEVER pay for

You should NEVER pay for a membership until you are convinced that know the best site to join.

Look at what paid membership gives you

As mentioned above you cannot email members to arrange a date without upgrading to a premium membership. But what other benefits does paid membership give you?

As well as the benefits of free membership, paid membership allows you to:

  • Email other members
  • Read messages that have been sent by other members
  • Upload a video profile
  • Complete a dating diary
  • Put yourself in the spotlight
  • Send gifts to members
  • Chat online
  • Subscribe to mobile alerts.

So why do we charge a fee for this membership?

Well at the end of the day we are a business and we have costs to cover. We have to cover substantial advertising costs, so that we get regular new memberships, we have to pay for web hosting, we have to ensure that our payment methods are secure, we need to make sure we have a call centre that can be contacted for free and we have a duty of care to our members.


So there you have it, that is the difference between free and paid membership.

Now the next question you should be asking yourself is… Do you know the difference between a mainstream and niche site?  If not you can read all about that HERE.


So what’s the downside of internet dating?

Thumb down, downside of internet dating, internet dating, dating
Thumb down

So what is the downside of internet dating? Is there one? Well, let’s look at a few things which might help you decide for yourself.

Too much choice!

One word sums up the downside of internet dating and that is CHOICE.  You see the internet has allowed single people to shop around for their partner.  Much like going to the shops and choosing Cadburys chocolate rather than Sainsbury’s own, you can now choose a blonde over a brunette.

Much like going to the shops and choosing Cadburys chocolate rather than Sainsbury’s own, you can now choose a blonde over a brunette.

You can even say yes to a date by “swiping” your finger left or right on a phone app! In case you hadn’t guessed it that’s Tinder!

It’s not like it was!

The dating scene has dramatically changed from what it was.  I have talked lots about the dating scene before the internet and basically, you had fewer options to find your ideal partner and I believe subconsciously due to that you would settle for less “ticks” on your ideal partner score sheet.

Now in the 21st century…

However, internet dating has done away with that.  Tallsingles, for example, has 1.5 million members split roughly 50:50 male and female.  So you have 700,000 singles to choose from, that’s a hell of a lot of people and so you can be selective.

And it is growing!

Not only that but with so many people joining each week, even if there is someone you don’t like on the site today, there may be someone who joins tomorrow who you do like!

Here is where choice comes in!

You can choose dates based on all sorts of things from height (a popular choice on tallsingles.co.uk), to interests to job title to even something as vain as eye colour!

It’s like being able to walk into a bar and firstly ask everyone who is single to stand up and everyone who is taken to sit down, then being able to walk around them all and look at their CV before choosing the one you would like to take on a date.

So is choice good?

I’m not sure it is, as having a choice doesn’t necessarily mean “spark” and if there is something you want in a relationship it is a spark!  I don’t believe choice gives you that.

That said what choice can give you is an opportunity.  The opportunity to find someone SINGLE who is two inches taller than you so you can wear those killer heels.

The opportunity to find someone SINGLE who lives within 5 miles from you so it doesn’t take long to travel to theirs and meet up.  The opportunity to find someone SINGLE who enjoys the same hobby as you.  Surely it is better to have a CHOICE than no choice at all?

Over to you…

I will ultimately let you make your mind up.  If you are unsure why not join up to a dating site for free and judge for yourself?


Are you thinking about joining a dating site?  Why not read our guide on: Will other singles like me on tallsingles.co.uk?


Avoid awkward silences: Questions to ask on the first date.

Questions to ask on the first date, Questions
A boy thinking of a question

Questions to ask on the first date.

So do you know what questions to ask on the first date? If you are one of those people who get nervous about going on a date and you’re frightened that at some point you will run out of things to talk about.

As we discussed in our post “Should you plan your first date?” It can be an idea to have a few thought-provoking questions to ask on your first date in your pocket just to make you feel that little bit safer.

You want some conversational questions

It would be good to have questions that your date would love to talk about so that it gets the conversation flowing again.

So we suggest you read their dating profile and latest emails again, pick out anything they have discussed or talked about in detail, hobbies they may have mentioned and places they have been to when travelling.

During this process, you are trying to build up a picture of their lifestyle, things that motivate them, things that they enjoy and things that interest them. These should all be things that they will want to talk about.All of this information helps you to create a list of questions to ask on the first date.

All of this information helps you to create a list of questions to ask on the first date.

Everyone loves to talk about travel

So travel is top of the list, people love to talk about places they have been to and visited, especially if they love travelling.

So firstly have you been anywhere that they have also travelled to, then you could start talking about that and they are bound to feel compelled to join in.If not have they been anywhere that you would love to travel to, if that’s the case you can ask them about it, discuss the culture, the way of life, good things to go and see, try to avoid the usual type questions if you can.

If not have they been anywhere that you would love to travel to, if that’s the case you can ask them about it, discuss the culture, the way of life, good things to go and see, try to avoid the usual type questions if you can.

Then, of course, you could always mention places you would like to visit to see if they would too. But if you go down that route then make sure you have done some research on that location so you can mention why you would want to visit and what you would like to do when you’re there.

Most people love the Theatre and Films

Theatre I think is a brilliant conversation point.That’s because there is a good chance you might have seen the same play, or failing that it’s easy to talk about a play, if you haven’t seen it you can ask about the storyline, the plot, the characters, the music even the set.If you have seen it, you can ask what they thought about a particular moment in the play, did they see it as a good portrayal of the story, which character did they like the most? Films also go into this category and again they are very easy to talk about.

That’s because there is a good chance you might have seen the same play, or failing that it’s easy to talk about a play, if you haven’t seen it you can ask about the storyline, the plot, the characters, the music even the set.

If you have seen it, you can ask what they thought about a particular moment in the play, did they see it as a good portrayal of the story, which character did they like the most? Films also go into this category and again they are very easy to talk about.

It’s great to talk about someone’s hobbies as they are usually passionate about them.

Hobbies would be next on the list, do they play a particular sport or enjoy a certain hobby like painting or yoga?Again bring some life into the conversation by asking how they got into it, what they enjoy, if they have won any awards or played for their

Again bring some life into the conversation by asking how they got into it, what they enjoy, if they have won any awards or played for their country for example. How often they play? Do they enjoy being in a team? Have they played for long? Etc.

Some people enjoy cooking but not everyone, be careful with this topic.

Cooking and restaurants would be next on my list as I think everyone has an opinion on it even if they are not a good cook themselves.Do they enjoy going to good restaurants? Have they been to a Gordon Ramsey restaurant? Do they cook themselves? Would they class themselves as a good cook? What’s there killer dish? What the strangest thing they have eaten?

Do they enjoy going to good restaurants? Have they been to a Gordon Ramsey restaurant? Do they cook themselves? Would they class themselves as a good cook? What’s there killer dish? What the strangest thing they have eaten?

So what should you avoid?

I think I would avoid asking questions on a first date that cover work.  Unless you know they have a really interesting job that you know they would love to talk about.

Other Topics to avoid

This is our list of topics you definitely want to try and avoid on your first date!

Previous relationships

So there you go, that should avoid an awkward silence and fingers crossed you will be on to that second date in next to no time.

So that’s our list, so you have any questions to ask on the first date that isn’t listed above.  Let us know by leaving a comment below.


Don’t forget to take a look at our other articles on dating:

Should you plan your first date?

Ideas for the first and second dates


Should you plan your first date?

planning, planning a date, Plan your first date
Notepad and pen

Congratulations you have got your first date

Oh yes, you have got your first date, now all you need to decide is should you plan your first date? By that we mean, how much planning should go into it before you meet up?

The venue needs to be planned and possibly booked

Well let’s establish one thing straight away and that is that of course, you are going to plan the venue for your date as it may need booking.  Plus, of course, you have to let the other person know where you intend to meet them.

Is that all you should plan?

But the bigger question is how much should you plan for after that? When you plan your first date, the answer to that one comes down to what sort of person you are.

Are you confident?

Let me explain, someone who is very confident and self-assured will probably not need to plan their date as by their very nature they will not be all that nervous and conversation should flow very easily. Contrast that to someone who is not very confident and lacks self-esteem and is worried about how they look. They are obviously going to be shy, perhaps a little withdrawn and nervous on the first date. The conversation may not flow naturally and sweaty palms may be an issue. So let’s look at the how to plan your first date, depending on whether you are an overconfident person or a shy person.

If you are an overconfident person

So what would planning do for them? Well for our overconfident single person, not a lot. I think that the only thing they need to be cautious about is rambling on about themselves and not giving their date any chance to talk. They need to be aware of this from the outset and remember (not plan) to let their date speak and to listen to the conversation.

If you are a shy person

It’s a different story for our shy, retired single person. For them, a little bit of planning might get them out of an awkward silence. Before they go on the date they should think of some good conversation starters that could just avoid the silence they so dread. Things to think about would be “Do you enjoy travelling? where is your favourite destination? Do you play any sports? Where do you work? What do you do there?

Now the only problem with planning is that you may be so focused on getting those questions out that you don’t listen to the conversation.

Ok, so our conclusion

So we don’t think planning is vital, listening is the number 1 thing, however, a couple of questions in the back pocket could be the get out of jail card you need in that awkward silence.

Do you plan your first date? If you have in the past, has it helped?  If you haven’t do you wish you had? We would love to hear your story, just drop it in the comments below.


Have you also read our great guide to planning your first or second date? You can read all about that HERE.

If you are not getting anyone contact you on a dating site, there could be a problem with your profile picture, we have a guide on improving that HERE


If you are tall and you would like to belong to a tall group commnity, you can do that by joining our tall Facebook group, called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.


Mind your head

Mind your head sign
Mind your head sign

So where have all the mind your head signs gone?

I seem to find less and less of them these days! But surely in a world where you can get sued for the smallest of things a “Mind your head” sign is one of the most vital things that a business can put up to stop tall people raising a claim.

Older buildings are being refurbished and even knocked down

Perhaps with all the new refurbishments and new buildings that are replacing old run down buildings architects are becoming wise to the fact that people are getting taller and therefore those ceilings need to be higher.

A great sign… at a pub

That said there are still “old” buildings out there, I still remember the cheeky pub I went into in bath which had a very low doorway, above which sat a sign “Duck or Grouse”, much more amusing don’t you think than the traditional “Mind your head”.

So I’m campaigning for more “mind your head” signs, it will certainly stop me talking to the lawyers!


Want to moan about something else tall related?  Why not join our tall Facebook group.  It’s a great community just for tall people, you can join by clicking HERE.


Dating a tall person

Ladder, Tall, Dating a tall person
Might you need a ladder?

Dating a tall person quite literally has its ups and downs!

So what should you expect when you are dating a tall person? Are there any changes to when you date someone not so tall? Well, we asked our tall members the question and this is what they came up with.


When dating a tall person you have to be conscious of the fact that they will find it difficult to buy in-fashion tall clothing.  Don’t expect them to follow fashion trends. Although clothes retailers are still extending their tall range and many large department stores do have tall clothing sections, on the whole, it is still difficult to get in-fashion clothing. Arm length in long sleeve shirts/jumpers/coats is still very much an issue if you suffer from long arms so don’t get frustrated if they do try and pull their sleeves down a couple of times a day!

Cure – There is no cure until clothes retailers learn that the general population are getting taller.

Booking theatre/concert seats

Tall people will generally want to be very specific about where they want to seat as they will want to be in a seat that has plenty of legroom. Unless it is a surprise booking I would make them book the seats as they will have a good idea of where they will want to sit. This will generally always be an aisle seat and most theatres have a row where the legroom is simply better

Cure – When booking most concerts/theatres a seating plan can be viewed which is great. For theatre seat’s theatremonkey has a great review for all theatres on the best seats for extra legroom.

Travel – Car

Travel is a big issue for most tall people and each mode of transport generally has specific issues. Cars are on the whole ok if they can take the front passenger seat can be taken, although still plan in advance as in some cars with a tall person in the front nobody can sit behind, so your then you’re down to a car that can carry a maximum of 4 people, not 5.

Cure – On the whole, if you’re going by car let the tallest person drive as they will have a car suitable for them.

Travel – Train

On long train journeys, you can usually book your specific seat as long as you book in advance. Tall people would again generally go for the ones that face each other (as long as there isn’t a table) and aisle seats.

Cure – Book in advance so that you can book a specific seat. Most train companies will bring up a seating planner so you can choose the best tall person seat.

Travel – Bus/coaches

When it comes to dating a tall person, buses and coaches are probably the worst modes of transport. There are very few good seats for tall people and even standing on them is an issue as the headroom is so poor. The general view from the members was to avoid these at all cost.

Travel – Underground

There is no doubt about it certain underground lines are better than others, the Metropolitan line, for example, has plenty of headroom. On the downside, the deeper/older lines such as the Northern, Victoria and Central have very limited headroom. But on the whole, all of the seats on all lines offer very good seated legroom as the seats run along the side of the tube and face inwards. Also, there is generally no issue with headroom when getting to the desired platform.

Cure – Where possible try and avoid the deeper tube lines. Try to travel at off-peak times so that the seating is available.

Staying away

Again our members tell us that tall people can take some time in choosing the right accommodation. Bars at the end of beds can be a nightmare, as can low ceilings in hotels and every tall person knows about the dreaded low shower head that only washes their feet!

Cure – Again it comes down to planning and selecting the right accommodation before you leave.


In general, big people have bigger appetites as they are generally taller and through that will consume more energy in the day.
Cure – There is no cure, just something to take note of when they go for seconds!

So should you worry about dating a tall person?

So, all in all, there are no real differences when it comes to dating someone tall. Just a few things that they have to consider and be careful of over shorter people.

Have our members missed anything? Have you had experience of dating someone tall? Has this turned you off the idea of dating someone tall?

We would love to hear from you, drop your comments below.


We have some other articles that will help you understand the problems tall people have, the links to them are below:

The 32 absolute worst parts about being tall

So how do you respond to common height questions?


Now why not be part of our tall community?  We have a great Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.


Comparing Match.com to TallSingles.co.uk

Comparing Match.com to Tallsingles.co.uk, Dating sites, comparison
Boxing match Match.com V Tallsingles.co.uk

Match.com V’s TallSingles.co.uk: An honest comparison

In this article, we are comparing  Match.com to TallSingles.co.uk to give an unbiased review of these two dating sites

6 Topics to help you compare

we have come up with 6 topics you need to consider when choosing which of these sites to join.

1. Market leaders

Match.com is a very well known dating site in the UK and you could say they are market leaders. They run extensive advertising and have been in online dating for a significant time. If you ask anyone about online dating most people will be able to name Match.com. But are they the best? Please just read this whole post before making up your mind.

2. Events

Match.com has recently started to run Match.com events, TallSingles.co.uk does not currently offer this service. The Match.com event nights are not free, there is an additional charge for these, somewhere between £5 and £20 depending on the event. You have to be invited by Match.com to attend an event and people have the chance to take along 3 other friends who may or may not be single.

3. Mobile Aps

When we were comparing Match.com to TallSingles.co.uk, both have very good mobile applications which are accessible on both iOS and android.

4. Mainstream V’s Niche

Match.com is a mainstream online dating site, accessible to everyone across the UK of any age. TallSingles.co.uk is a Niche dating site, which aims to help tall people find love online. We only invite taller members to join our site, tall just means above average height.  So both women and men have to be above 5’10’’ . We started tallsingles because we understand the issues that tall people have when finding love. We have a dedicated community for tall people (who don’t have to be single) on Facebook, the group is called “What’s the weather like up there?”. All our members are tall and we want to embrace being tall and help tall people throughout the UK find love.

5. Cost

Yes, dating sites do say that they are free to join and essentially they are. However, the free membership only gives you a limited amount of features. You can search other singles profiles and identify how many singles there are in your area (we will pick this up in the next topic). In most cases you need to pay a membership fee in order to be able to read messages from other members and mail other members, both TallSingles.co.uk and Match.com have a membership fee, so how do their prices compare?

Well Match.com prices are as follows:
6 month’s membership – £113.94 (£18.99 per month)
3 month’s membership – £92.97 (£30.99 per month)
1 month membership – £42.99

Tallsingles.co.uk prices are as follows:
6 month’s membership – £79.95 (£13.33 per month)
3 month’s membership – £49.95 (£16.66 per month)
1 month membership – £24.95

So, Tallsingles.co.uk is far cheaper, in percentage terms it is:
6 month’s membership – TallSingles.co.uk is 43% cheaper than Match.com
3 month’s membership – TallSingles.co.uk is 86% cheaper than Match.com
1 month membership – TallSingles.co.uk is 72% cheaper than Match.com

(prices are correct at the time of writing this article)

6. Membership numbers

One of the questions you will want to ask yourself when choosing a dating site is how many members does it have? And more importantly how many members live in your area?

TallSingles has 1,514,213 members in the UK, meeting our specific tall membership criteria which are women and men taller than 5’10”.

Well unfortunately unlike TallSingles.co.uk, many dating sites do not want to give away membership numbers and Match.com is no different. So what is the best way for you to decide? Well, there is a couple of options.

6.1. Join both sites for free.

As mentioned in #5 you can join both sites for free and then you can compare their member numbers by searching for members in your area. When you do this, ensure you apply the same search criteria so that you compare the sites on a similar basis.

6.2. Pick one, give it a go for three months and then change

You can pick one of the sites, pay a small fee to give it a go for 3 months and if you really don’t like it stop the membership and change over to the other.

So that’s our honest opinion.  Have you tried either of these?  We would love to hear your opinion… just write a comment below.

Are you ready to start your online dating journey?

Why not read our posts on how to start:

What makes a good profile photo

Should you plan your first date?

Why not join our tall community?

So why not join our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.


Why do women prefer tall men?

Tall man, woman, tall man and women holding hands, love, why do women prefer tall men?
Tall man with shorter woman holding hands

In this article we explore what it is about tall men that women find attractive.  I mean you read it lots, but why do women prefer tall men?

Well, researchers say it’s all down to their perceived fighting ability!

According to a new theory, women are more attracted to statuesque males because in evolutionary terms they are better at fighting – taller men can throw a more powerful punch making them more useful to the opposite sex.

The scientists also found that our prehistoric ancestors punched hardest when they stood on two legs, suggesting that fighting was the driving force behind the evolution of upright walking.

Sexual selection plays its part

‘From the perspective of sexual selection theory, women are attracted to powerful males, because powerful males can protect them and their children from other males,’ says Dr David Carrier, from the University of Utah.

‘Early in human evolution, an enhanced capacity to strike downward on an opponent may have given tall males a greater capacity to compete for mates and to defend their resources,’ he says. ‘If this were true, females who chose to mate with taller males would have had greater fitness for survival.’

They are better protection

Dr Carrier studied the power of punches by male martial arts experts and boxers. According to the journal PLoS One, Men hit with more force when they were standing and could punch twice as hard when striking downwards.

Could it all be in the genes?

Some scientists have argued that women prefer taller men because their height indicates good genes but Dr Carrier insists: ‘If that were the whole story, I would expect the same to be true for men – than men would be attracted to taller women – but men are attracted to women of average height or even shorter.’

There is no shortage of surveys telling us how the tall, athletic male makes a better lover, earns more and rises up the social ladder faster.

It is not all in favor of the taller man!

But shorter men do have advantages. They tend to be funnier, as, since their teenage years, they will have been trying to distract girls from their height.

On the other hand, tall men can be clumsy. They have to crouch to get through doorways and they never fit on your sofa. See our article on the “32 absolute worst things about being tall”

After reading our article, would you like a taller man in your life?

So after reading this would you like to date a taller man?  Well, that’s the reason why we set up tallsingles.co.uk, a dating site for the taller person.  Why not give it a go?

Be part of our tall community

So why not join our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.


The problems tall people have when finding love

Lady on tiptoes, hug, embrace, kissing, problems tall people have when finding love
Lady on tiptoes kissing man

Being tall may have its perks, but it also comes with its problems. In fact, there are many problems tall people have when finding love. One of the main problems is the fact that it is very difficult to find love. Most short and average sized people tend to steer clear of those who taller. There are a number of reasons for this, and we are going to take a little look at them on this page.

Why do short and average sized people stay away from those who are taller?

One of the main reasons as to why people sign up to sites like TallSingles (more on that soon) is the fact that height issues are posing a serious problem in their love life. It seems that women have it slightly worse when they are tall. Most men prefer shorter women, and women tend to prefer taller men. Obviously, if the difference is absolutely huge then there will be a big problem. For the most part though, tall men should be fine.

Is it ok for tall women to date a shorter man?

At the moment, it seems as though it is almost a taboo for a tall woman to date a shorter man. I have read horror stories that the efforts that even the prettiest ladies out there need to go through in order to find a decent man to get into a relationship with. Most of the time it is because it is because they are far too tall. Most men seem to steer clear of woman that are higher than them. This is because height is traditionally seen as ‘strength’. In the eyes of a few people, the taller you are, the stronger you are. Men do not want to be with a woman that towers over them. For most men it is embarrassing. This is why the majority of women tend to end up with men that around their height (i.e. men who are just as tall). The problem is, finding them is incredibly difficult. There are tall men out there, but it seems that all of the good ones have been snapped up, or you are just not looking in the right places. Trust me, it is harder to find a decent tall man than it is to find somebody that is ‘average height’.

You don’t want to have to carry around a pile of books to share a kiss

People also need to realize that expressing love is a lot more difficult with a height difference too. I don’t know if you have ever tried kissing somebody that is considerably taller than you, but it is difficult. Not to mention the fact that making love to somebody with a considerable height difference is slightly more difficult (if your heads aren’t in line, then that is not romantic at all). Most shorter people want to avoid situations like this. As a result, they avoid taller people.

So how do tall people find love and overcome the problems tall people have when finding love?

As you can see, tall people have a lot of problems when it comes to finding love. We believe that they should not have these problems though. Tall people deserve love too! This is why we have founded TallSingles. This dating site is dedicated to getting tall people the partner of their dreams. Why not check it out today? You will never have to worry about height issues again!

In fact, this is the very reason why I started this blog and site.  You can read more about my story here.

Join our tall community

We also want to build a community of tall people together so we can discuss anything about being tall.  Like how do you respond to those annoying tall questions, where to buy the best tall clothing, how do you cope with tall life? It’s a Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there?” and you too can join it by clicking here.


Ready to find tall love?  Why not read some of our other articles on finding someone online:

What makes a good profile photo?

Comparing Match.com to Tallsingles.co.uk


Are you tall? Do you know we have a really good tall community over on Facebook?  Why don’t you join it?

The Facebook group is called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.


Should tall women wear high heels on a date?

Red shoes, High heels, red high heel shoes
A pair of red high heel shoes


So the question is should tall women wear high heels on a date? That means tall women will add another two or three, possibly four inches by wearing high heels on a date? Well, here are some points to consider:

How much shorter are you than your date?

The great thing about TallSingles.co.uk is that you can see the height of your date. If he is only an inch or so taller than you, then there is a good chance that wearing heels will make you taller.This could intimate him and make him self-conscious which might not be such a good thing, especially on a first date! Perhaps it’s something that you should consider on a third or fourth. Of

This could intimate him and make him self-conscious which might not be such a good thing, especially on a first date! Perhaps it’s something that you should consider on a third or fourth.Of

Of course, if you are taller than him without the heels, adding a pair of heels will make you taller still. Should this be such a problem? Well it will make the difference that much more noticeable so it could be an issue, however, he is already aware that you are taller without heels.

Do you wear heels all the time?

If you are comfortable in heels i.e. you wear them to work every day or you are out most evenings in them, then you probably should wear heels as they are natural to you.When you date someone you never want to change who you are and if heels make who you are then stuck with them!

When you date someone you never want to change who you are and if heels make who you are then stick with them!

Do you want to look glamorous?

As stylist and fashionista Jay Manuel says “Everyone can look like a supermodel with a bootleg trouser and a high heel” (it does quite ring true if you say ‘ballet flat’ instead of ‘high heel’, does it?).Heels make

Heels make women appear leaner and slimmer. They give you the best walk which just can’t be replicated in flats. They give you better legs, slimmer ankles, accentuate the best of your figure and make your feet look smaller.

Finally and most importantly they are glamorous and somehow that changes how you feel and behave. When was the last time you read the words “fabulous flat pump”? Exactly.


In conclusion, I think it comes down to how comfortable you are going to feel on a night out with or without heels on. In the early stages, you should probably air on the side of caution and so wear a small heel. Then bring out the platforms on the fourth or fifth date!

What do you think? Should tall women wear high heels on a date?

Are you a tall women?  Do you love wearing high heels?  Would you ever not wear them when going on a date?  We would love to hear your views.  Just put a comment below.


This is all good information, but of course, you need to get a date first.  We have a couple of articles that might help there:

Find someone tall to date

What makes a good profile photo?

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