So how do you respond when someone asks you those common height questions?
Here is a list of our favourite ones… which do you like? Do you have any more? Please share them in the comments!
How tall are you?
• “Don’t worry, hon’… just as soon as you hit puberty, you’ll start to grow, too”
• “I’m the kind of woman that you can put up on a pedestal without having to go out and buy a pedestal!”
• “I’m the only woman I know who really gets her money’s worth when I buy a pair of jeans!”
• “6 foot and worth the climb.”
• “5’6” and you should see their faces!!
• “I don’t know, how much do you weigh?”
• “Sorry for your bad luck”
• “Why are you short enough to use as an armrest?”
• “Tall enough to see your bald spot”.
• “Oh no! I didn’t realise when did that happen?!”
• “I’m the number of days in the year minus the fourth prime number divided by two plus the square root of 64 – in centimetres”• “Tall enough to see you have grey hairs!”
• “Tall enough to see you need your roots done!”
• “Tall enough for you to be my deodorant checker!”
• “Tall enough for me to know you have a bad dandruff issue!”
• “I’m tall are you serious? or stupid? I guess the shorter you are the dumber you are. Hey, thanks for proving my point (or hypothesis)!”
• “I’m not that tall it’s all done with mirrors”
• “Not that tall, I’m actually average height”
• I’ll bring my palm to the top of my head and say, “Oh, about THIS tall.” That shuts them up every time!
• “No, but you are so short – are you a jockey?”
• This way, it’s easier for you to kiss my ass.
• Get up off your knees then so we can talk face to face! Oh no, you’re already standing… shame!
How’s the weather up there?
• “A little thin but I’ve gotten used to it”
• “Oh, I don’t know. Would you like me to pick you up so you can see for yourself?”
• “There’s a telephone in my pocket, call up and find out!”
• “I don’t know. What’s it like down there?”
• Great, there’s no short people polluting it
• Good for me, but I have gas so I bet it’s windy where you are.
• My knees feel wet, are you getting rain?
• It’s clear up here. Are you getting snow or is that dandruff?
Do you play basketball?
• “No, do you play miniature golf?”
• “I used to until I got tired of tripping over the cheerleaders.”
• “Sure did, Colorado State University.”
• “No, I am a midget wrestler!”
• “No, but you are so short – are you a jockey?”
• “Why? Do you want to play?”
Are your parents tall?
• “My parents are circus midgets!”
Is your dad tall?
• “I don’t know, he married the next door neighbour after having a three-year affair with her, I was only six so I can’t quite recall how tall he is.
How did you get so tall?
• “My dad used miracle grow!”
“The bigger they are the harder they fall.” I just reply: “That’s okay. There are always plenty of short people to land on.”
Have you got any others? If so we would love to hear them. Just pop them in the comments section below.
If you like this article, another article you might enjoy would be this one:
If you have experienced this, why not join our community. We have a Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.
So what’s it like living as a tall person in the 21st century? In this article, we look at all aspects of living a giant life.
Junior School
Well, let’s start off with growing up at school. Most tall people have a growth spurt in their early teenage years, just at the point when things are tough for a child anyway.At school, they literally stand out and are usually head and shoulders above the other kids. Not only this, they are also singled out. During the end of term photos, they always have to stand at the back, in assembly, they are heckled from kids behind who can’t see, in class they are asked to reach items off the top shelves and on the school bus or coach they can’t sit comfortably as there is no leg room. Plus of course, the school clothes are never made to fit
At school, they literally stand out and are usually head and shoulders above the other kids. Not only this, they are also singled out. During the end of term photos, they always have to stand at the back, in assembly, they are heckled from kids behind who can’t see, in class they are asked to reach items off the top shelves and on the school bus or coach they can’t sit comfortably as there is no leg room.Plus of course, the school clothes are never made to fit
Plus of course, the school clothes are never made to fit tall children, so they either end up with trousers and jumpers that are plainly too short in the arms and legs or their parents buy adult sized clothing that then stands out as it’s not the same material.
Then sadly there is the fact that they are bullied as they stand out from the crowd, which can be either face to face or in the modern world cyberbullying.Sometimes this is shouting abuse, such as “F—ing lanky bitch” or “ugly lanky giant”, but it can
Sometimes this is shouting abuse, such as “F—ing lanky bitch” or “ugly lanky giant”, but it can be nicknames such as “lanky”, “lofty”, “stretch” or “lurch”. All set to make the blood boil of a young teenager.At secondary schools, battles for status become more serious and kids can become obsessed with comparing themselves with others. Bullying often starts when other children try to boost their own fragile confidence by looking askance at anyone who is out of the ordinary. Being slow or good at academic work, being short or tall, fat or skinny, posh or chav, spotty or red-headed – or even just shy – is enough to make another child an object of scorn. Unfortunately, tall kids stand out from the crowd in a way that they can do nothing about.
At secondary schools, battles for status become more serious and kids can become obsessed with comparing themselves with others.Bullying often starts when other children try to boost their own fragile confidence by looking askance at anyone who is out of the ordinary. Being slow or good at academic work, being short or tall, fat or skinny, posh or chav, spotty or red-headed – or even just shy – is enough to make another child an object of scorn. Unfortunately, tall kids stand out from the crowd in a way that they can do nothing about.
Bullying often starts when other children try to boost their own fragile confidence by looking askance at anyone who is out of the ordinary. Being slow or good at academic work, being short or tall, fat or skinny, posh or chav, spotty or red-headed – or even just shy – is enough to make another child an object of scorn.Unfortunately, tall kids stand out from the crowd in a way that they can do nothing about.
Unfortunately, tall kids stand out from the crowd in a way that they can do nothing about.
Once you get through secondary school and on into adulthood, people are more accepting but the nicknames can remain throughout your life. New problems also arise.Firstly you find that furniture isn’t right, desks aren’t tall enough, kitchen worktops are too low, you can’t see yourself in the mirror, showers only make your chest wet, beds aren’t long enough, baths are too small, you hit your head on a variety of door frames and stairwells and you can’t relax on sofas.
Firstly you find that furniture isn’t right, desks aren’t tall enough, kitchen worktops are too low, you can’t see yourself in the mirror, showers only make your chest wet, beds aren’t long enough, baths are too small, you hit your head on a variety of door frames and stairwells and you can’t relax on sofas.
Then there is the joy of the daily commute to work. You can’t sit behind the forward facing seats on a bus or train so you desperately search for the ones that either face one another or are in the aisle or face the aisle.Then there are the London tubes where someone tall can only stand in the middle at the highest point and even then they can feel their groomed hair being pushed flat to their head. That’s bad enough on its own, but when it’s in rush hour it’s horrendous. You wait nervously for the train or bus hoping that there is a seat with some leg room free when it comes. As for the tube, most these days are so packed you have to squeeze on, bent over double just so the doors don’t catch your face or back.
Then there are the London tubes where someone tall can only stand in the middle at the highest point and even then they can feel their groomed hair being pushed flat to their head.That’s bad enough on its own, but when it’s in rush hour it’s horrendous. You wait nervously for the train or bus hoping that there is a seat with some leg room free when it comes. As for the tube, most these days are so packed you have to squeeze on, bent over double just so the doors don’t catch your face or back.
That’s bad enough on its own, but when it’s in rush hour it’s horrendous. You wait nervously for the train or bus hoping that there is a seat with some leg room free when it comes.As for the tube, most these days are so packed you have to squeeze on, bent over double just so the doors don’t catch your face or back.
As for the tube, most these days are so packed you have to squeeze on, bent over double just so the doors don’t catch your face or back.
Silly questions from shorter people
Then, of course, there are stupid things random people say to you like “how tall are you?”, “how’s the weather up there?”, “do you play basketball?” and “are your parents tall?”All tall people build up a repertoire of answers for these but even so you feel you shouldn’t be asked in the first place.
All tall people build up a repertoire of answers for these but even so you feel you shouldn’t be asked in the first place.
Hard to fit in with fashion trends
It becomes harder to dress fashionably. Top brands rarely make “tall” clothing and the tall ranges out there is usually very plain and very boring.When you wear jumpers the sleeves come halfway down the arm and the front does not even cover the stomach. Extra-long trousers are hard to find, long length in most shops are like
When you wear jumpers the sleeves come halfway down the arm and the front does not even cover the stomach. Extra-long trousers are hard to find, long length in most shops are like
Dresses come up too short, tights don’t come up far enough. Finally, you have to search endless shoe shops for size 14’s! Suits you may as well forget to buy off the rail, you have to pay the extra and go for made to measure!
Falling in love
Finding love can be quite difficult as your possible matches are limited in numbers.If you’re
If you’re tall women, you will want a taller man so you can wear heels and not tower above them which is socially awkward. But where do you find tall men?If you’re a tall man you want a tall woman, who is not taller than you, but not so short you have to bend over to kiss them. But where do you find tall women?
If you’re a tall man you want a tall woman, who is not taller than you, but not so short you have to bend over to kiss them. But where do you find tall women?
Are there any benefits to being tall?
So what are the good things about living in the tall world? Being tall means you’ll stand out from the crowd and get noticed, which is important in a lot of situations.
If you have good posture, you can really present an imposing stature which will help you in future audition/job competition situations, as well as parties and other social events.
Increased earnings must be a good thing?
For decades, social scientists have studied what is referred to as the “height premium” — the increased earnings that, on average, taller people receive.A 2001 study by Nicola Persico, Andrew Postlewaite and Dan Silverman of the University of Pennsylvania, found that it’s the height a person had as a teenager that matters when it comes to bringing home the bacon as an adult. “Two adults of the same age and height who were different heights at age 16 are treated differently on the labour market,” Persico, Postlewaite and Silverman concluded. “The person who was taller as a teen earns more.”
A 2001 study by Nicola Persico, Andrew Postlewaite and Dan Silverman of the University of Pennsylvania, found that it’s the height a person had as a teenager that matters when it comes to bringing home the bacon as an adult. “Two adults of the same age and height who were different heights at age 16 are treated differently on the labour market,” Persico, Postlewaite and Silverman concluded. “The person who was taller as a teen earns more.”
The height of a person also determines their intelligence. Exposing this fact, scientists found that IQ levels of a person declined with a reduction in height. The discovery of genes that influence height and IQ mainly led to this
The discovery of genes that influence height and IQ mainly led to this groundbreaking revelation. During a five-year study, researchers from three universities in UK- Edinburgh University, Aberdeen University and University College London- looked at DNA markers of 6,800 people, part of the Scottish Family Health Study. Participants, who were unrelated, underwent tests that measured their ability to recall, language skills and reaction time.
Results proved that shorter people had lower IQ compared to the taller participants.
Weight gain
You can also gain 20lbs in weight and nobody notices. You can reach things without needing a step ladder. There is a remote possibility you might become a famous model or basketball player and earn millions. No hug in this world is quite like a tall hug!
Have you had similar experiences? Would it be great to share those with other tall people?
If so, why not join our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.
The team here at can feel that love is most definitely in the air. Here are our best ideas for the First and second dates. Something not too formal and not too pushy!
First date
We think this should be kept short, since it’s the first time you have met face to face and let’s be honest the spark just might not be there, so here are a few suggestions:
Meet at a Coffeehouse
Coffeehouses such as Costa, Starbucks and Nero are ideal places to meet for a first date. You could meet one lunchtime if you work close to one another, or if you’re not so close on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Also, consider trying coffee areas in large department stores, for example, the John Lewis in Sloane Square, London has a fantastic coffee house on the top floor.
Go for brunch
Why not suggest brunch instead of dinner?
A weekend brunch has a much more casual, easy-going vibe, means you’ve still got the rest of the day ahead of you afterwards, and can go on for as long as you want it to, depending on how much chemistry it turns out you have together.
Go for a drink after work or on a Sunday afternoon
Meet for a drink after work or on a Sunday afternoon. Make sure the bar is not too busy but has some atmosphere.
It might be good to go somewhere that you have been to before, rather than hoping that it is just like the pictures show it on the internet. Try and make sure you both know it’s only a drink, to see if there is some spark.. you don’t really want to make it dinner as well on the first date unless of course, it is going exceptionally well.
Also, you’re both going to be tall, so definitely avoid somewhere with low ceilings!
Play ping pong, table football or American pool
Having a distraction takes the pressure away from one on one conversation so you will find it much easier to relax straight away.
The date might also be impressed that you have suggested a good alternative to a regular drink in a bar/pub, so go on give it a go, you have nothing to lose!
So once you know there might be something there you can move on to a second date. Here are ideas for a second date:
Make sure you know the restaurant, you want somewhere that is fairly busy but not too noisy.
Somewhere intimate would be good so you are not bothered by other people in the restaurant. Also, you’re both going to be tall, so definitely avoid somewhere with low ceilings!
Drink then cinema
This is another common second date idea. Have a drink in a cosy intimate bar and then go on to the cinema, you get time to chat in the bar beforehand and after the film, you can catch up on what you thought about it.
Be careful on the choice of the film!
Common interest
If you both have a common interest why not try and spend some time learning how to improve or add to existing skills. For example, if you’re both into cooking, Jamie Oliver does some great cooking courses which would be ideal for a second date, click here for more. Or if you’re both into cocktails why not try a cocktail making
Or if you’re both into cocktails why not try a cocktail making experience.
Go Bowling
Bowling is great fun and a good laugh, the two of you can have a beer or share some fries while engaging in a friendly competition (do not show a real competitive side!).
A hearty amount of guaranteed background noise to your date means there’s less pressure for either of you to have to think of a couple of hours’ worth of non-stop interesting things to say about a candle-lit dinner would.
It’s a low-stress environment so your date will feel relaxed and comfortable, which is important. If she’s comfortable, she’ll have more fun, and if she’s having fun, you’ll get a third date.
Exploring the great outdoors and getting some physical activity is a terrific second date idea, though it’s not for everyone.Find out how
Find out how outdoorsy your date is, and find a route accordingly, whether they’re super-active and up for a hike, or would prefer a casual summer stroll through picturesque fields.
If you don’t know their fitness level, keep on the side of caution and choose a route that’s not too strenuous. The great thing about this date is that it’s perfect conversation opportunity, giving you quiet, private space to get to know each other. And thankfully costs nothing, avoiding any bill-splitting debates.
Check the weather forecast first (you don’t want to make your date trudge through the rain) and make sure they know what you have planned for this one, to avoid any potentially ultra-embarrassing outfit problems — high heels and even the calmest of fields just don’t mix.
Play tourist
The UK has some great attractions, why not visit them and enjoy going to somewhere you have never been to before.
London is awash with great places to visit, the natural history museum, the London Aquarium, the London eye etc. So go on try something new together.
Stand-up comedy
The tried-and-tested ultimate key to your date’s heart is not an expensive meal or a bunch of flowers upon arrival. It’s all about making them laugh.Laughing together is the absolute best thing can happen on a date —
Laughing together is the absolute best thing can happen on a date — so make that task infinitely easier by taking your date to see some live comedy. We’re not talking big arena shows here, either.Every town has indie
Every town has indie stand-up nights every week, be it at a comedy club or in a pub. Enjoy some drinks at the same time and get ready for a date about as fun as they come.
Play ping pong, table football or American pool
Same applies to the first date suggestion above.
So that’s our round-up of ideas for the First and second dates. If you have any other suggestions it would be great to include them so others can benefit.
Why not leave a suggestion in the comments section below.
If you’re ready for your first date, why not read our great blog post on deciding if you should plan your first date out beforehand and if you do what should that look like?
So why not join our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.
Here is our list of benefits when dating a taller man…
• Well nobody wants to date a shorter man!
• Tall, dark and handsome need I say more!
• Tall men generally have big feet and big feet generally means big…. (I knew you were all thinking socks!)
• Tall men give you a sense of security and safety.
• You will never lose them, they are easy to spot in a crowd
• In a pool, they always have their feet on the floor even at the deep end.
• They have more trouble finding clothes to fit than you do!
• They know exactly what three quarter length sleeves are as that’s how most jumpers look on them
• Kids generally love them as they can be picked up really, really high.
• When it comes to a heated argument the taller they are the harder they fall.
• They can reach things at the back of wardrobes.
• Tall men can easily dust the coving!
• They can pick items off the top shelves at supermarkets.
• You may be lucky and one day they might become an international basket ball player and earn 10’s of millions of pounds.
• Tall men have to drive big, expensive cars, it’s the only ones they can fit in.
• Tall men can give good weather updates.
• Tall men will usually hit something low hanging before you do!
• Tall men have big beds!
• Tall men have big sofa’s!
• Tall men don’t need step ladders to paint ceilings or put up wallpaper
• You have a great view at pop concerts when you sit on their shoulders.
• You have a legitimate reason to sit in the emergency exit seats on a plane.
• You can wear killer heels and still be shorter than him
• Tall men look good in suits
• Tall men usually have bigger clothes which can be worn as bed shirts, “cuddle up” jumpers and lay about joggers!
• Tall men usually have long arms which can be wrapped around you for warmth and security.
• They can see over garden fences and so can do the “nosy neighbour” thing!
Have you dated a taller man? Are you dating one now? If so, have we missed any benefits out? Leave yours in the comments below
So why not join our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.
Of course, these statistics do not take into account the fact that you are “tall” and therefore to make a relationship work you need to find a tall single woman it probably makes these statistics even worse!
So how do you turn the odds in your favour?
Well, you find a niche tall dating site like Why? Well, first of all, it is full of single people, so the worry about finding single women is not there.The women on our site want to meet someone and someone tall so the odds are most definitely in your favour. We are one of the only UK dating sites that asks you to verify your height so you know you’re in the right place!
The women on our site want to meet someone and someone tall so the odds are most definitely in your favour.
Yоu саn оnlу lеаrn thаt whаt I ѕау іѕ truе, bу gіvіng іt а trу, іf уоu dо nоt wаnt tо ѕtау ѕіnglе. I hаd tо lеаrn thе hаrd wау.
Try a tall niche dating site like and meet that someone special, the odds are most definitely in your favour and it may well turn out to be a sure bet.
Want to let off steam about being tall? Or even just talk to others just like you? Why not join our tall community on Facebook? Our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.
So why not join our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE
I’m Richard Vickery, a certified accountant who is 6 ft 7 inches tall. Am I tall? Well, there is no magic number for being tall, but I feel tall. Having started this website for tall dating and talking to other “tall” people I know I am by no means the tallest person on the planet, but I do share the tall problems which many tall people encounter.
For me, I don’t really recall standing out at junior school. I was a little bit taller than the other kids, but not by much. In fact, I don’t even recall kids saying anything really to me about my height at that age. It wasn’t until I hit senior school that I had a big growth spurt. It came from my legs as I remember I had a very high waistline (think Simon Cowell) which kids teased me about at school.
I was also terrible at sports, which was a really good way for other kids to tease me. I remember kids saying I could “just step over the hurdles” and “high jump should be easy”. But of course athleticism doesn’t come with height and so I was always well behind the other kids. My mum always had to let down the turn-ups on my trousers so they didn’t stop halfway up my leg. I had to wear a different type of shirt so the sleeves were not too short. All these little things, you wouldn’t think other kids would spot, but they did and they would always make a point of it!
I can’t remember all the names I got called, certainly “Lurch” (the tall one from the Adams family), “BFG” (short for big friendly giant), “tower” (an obvious one) and “lanky”. It must have had an effect on me as I do feel I hunched at school, frightened to stand tall, wanting and wishing I was much smaller. Terrible now when I think of it, but at the time all you want to do is fit in!
Just I was finishing school, I found a sport that I love and am fairly good at, which turns out to be golf. But again being tall makes it harder for me than other shorter people. For example, I do have to have longer clubs, so I can’t just go into a golf shop and buy a club I need to order one in. I can’t wear the golf branded t-shirts or trousers as they never fit. Even at the golf club which I joined, they decided I had to have a nickname, so someone came up with “stretch” and I am still known to this day as “stretch” rather than Richard.
As you get older it gets easier to live with
I found things are slightly easier to deal with at university and work, there is much less name calling, but I still frequently get asked “how tall are you?” and “do you play basketball?” But I think the biggest change now is that I have admitted to myself that I am tall and that I am different in height to others around me. I try to walk tall, stand tall and not worry about being different. I have come to embrace the fact that I am tall and not worry about it. Yes, of course, it is annoying that people still point out that I am tall and yes sometimes it still does get me down, but on the whole, I laugh it off or say something witty back!
Now I admit that I am tall all I need to do is manage that “tallness”. There are many bad things associated with being tall, lots of them you can’t do anything about, so I try and focus on the things that I can do something about. For example, I try and eat healthily, exercise regularly and look after my body. I know that my back could become an issue in the future so I am trying to look after it now. That includes stretching it in the morning and evening, sitting with the correct posture at work, standing tall (no slouching), sitting with the correct posture and always keeping a straight back.
One last thing….
We have a tall community and I would love it if you became part of it!
It’s a Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.
Now it’s over to you.. tell me your tall life story
So that’s a bit about me and my tall life. What about you and yours? Would love to hear your story!