Ideas for the first and second dates

Ideas for the First and second dates, love, red lettering

The team here at can feel that love is most definitely in the air. Here are our best ideas for the First and second dates.  Something not too formal and not too pushy!

First date

We think this should be kept short, since it’s the first time you have met face to face and let’s be honest the spark just might not be there, so here are a few suggestions:

Meet at a Coffeehouse

Coffeehouses such as Costa, Starbucks and Nero are ideal places to meet for a first date. You could meet one lunchtime if you work close to one another, or if you’re not so close on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Also, consider trying coffee areas in large department stores, for example, the John Lewis in Sloane Square, London has a fantastic coffee house on the top floor.

Go for brunch

Why not suggest brunch instead of dinner?

A weekend brunch has a much more casual, easy-going vibe, means you’ve still got the rest of the day ahead of you afterwards, and can go on for as long as you want it to, depending on how much chemistry it turns out you have together.

Go for a drink after work or on a Sunday afternoon

Meet for a drink after work or on a Sunday afternoon. Make sure the bar is not too busy but has some atmosphere.

It might be good to go somewhere that you have been to before, rather than hoping that it is just like the pictures show it on the internet. Try and make sure you both know it’s only a drink, to see if there is some spark.. you don’t really want to make it dinner as well on the first date unless of course, it is going exceptionally well.

Also, you’re both going to be tall, so definitely avoid somewhere with low ceilings!

Play ping pong, table football or American pool

Having a distraction takes the pressure away from one on one conversation so you will find it much easier to relax straight away.

The date might also be impressed that you have suggested a good alternative to a regular drink in a bar/pub, so go on give it a go, you have nothing to lose!

The team at love giving a helping hand, so here are our favourite venues in London that offer this:
Ping pong at bounce
Table football at bar kick
American pool at the hurricane rooms

Second date

So once you know there might be something there you can move on to a second date. Here are ideas for a second date:


Make sure you know the restaurant, you want somewhere that is fairly busy but not too noisy.

Somewhere intimate would be good so you are not bothered by other people in the restaurant. Also, you’re both going to be tall, so definitely avoid somewhere with low ceilings!

Drink then cinema

This is another common second date idea. Have a drink in a cosy intimate bar and then go on to the cinema, you get time to chat in the bar beforehand and after the film, you can catch up on what you thought about it.

Be careful on the choice of the film!

Common interest

If you both have a common interest why not try and spend some time learning how to improve or add to existing skills. For example, if you’re both into cooking, Jamie Oliver does some great cooking courses which would be ideal for a second date, click here for more. Or if you’re both into cocktails why not try a cocktail making

Or if you’re both into cocktails why not try a cocktail making experience.

Go Bowling

Bowling is great fun and a good laugh, the two of you can have a beer or share some fries while engaging in a friendly competition (do not show a real competitive side!).

A hearty amount of guaranteed background noise to your date means there’s less pressure for either of you to have to think of a couple of hours’ worth of non-stop interesting things to say about a candle-lit dinner would.

It’s a low-stress environment so your date will feel relaxed and comfortable, which is important. If she’s comfortable, she’ll have more fun, and if she’s having fun, you’ll get a third date.

Try our top venue All Star Lanes

Go for a walk

Exploring the great outdoors and getting some physical activity is a terrific second date idea, though it’s not for everyone.Find out how

Find out how outdoorsy your date is, and find a route accordingly, whether they’re super-active and up for a hike, or would prefer a casual summer stroll through picturesque fields.

If you don’t know their fitness level, keep on the side of caution and choose a route that’s not too strenuous. The great thing about this date is that it’s perfect conversation opportunity, giving you quiet, private space to get to know each other. And thankfully costs nothing, avoiding any bill-splitting debates.

Check the weather forecast first (you don’t want to make your date trudge through the rain) and make sure they know what you have planned for this one, to avoid any potentially ultra-embarrassing outfit problems — high heels and even the calmest of fields just don’t mix.

Play tourist

The UK has some great attractions, why not visit them and enjoy going to somewhere you have never been to before.

London is awash with great places to visit, the natural history museum, the London Aquarium, the London eye etc. So go on try something new together.

Stand-up comedy

The tried-and-tested ultimate key to your date’s heart is not an expensive meal or a bunch of flowers upon arrival. It’s all about making them laugh.Laughing together is the absolute best thing can happen on a date —

Laughing together is the absolute best thing can happen on a date — so make that task infinitely easier by taking your date to see some live comedy. We’re not talking big arena shows here, either.Every town has indie

Every town has indie stand-up nights every week, be it at a comedy club or in a pub. Enjoy some drinks at the same time and get ready for a date about as fun as they come.

Play ping pong, table football or American pool

Same applies to the first date suggestion above.

So that’s our round-up of ideas for the First and second dates.  If you have any other suggestions it would be great to include them so others can benefit.

Why not leave a suggestion in the comments section below.


If you’re ready for your first date, why not read our great blog post on deciding if you should plan your first date out beforehand and if you do what should that look like?

Should you plan your first date?


If you haven’t even started internet dating yet?  We have a few articles that will probably be of interest:

Comparing to

What makes a good profile photo


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So why not join our excellent Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories like this one, or tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.


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