As we have mentioned on here before in order to be successful online you need to stand out from the crowd. We take a look at how to avoid these profile cliches.
People reading the following clichés will have heard them time and time again. So give yourself the best possible chance of being spotted and avoid these right now.
1: Common situations made idyllic but with no individual take on why you enjoy it, such as: Walking on the beach holding hands, or cuddling up next to a log fire, or watching the sunset over mountains.
Here you really are stating the obvious, I mean who wouldn’t like either of these situations.
Yes, you may enjoy these but so do 90 percent of the population.
Instead of this talk about why you enjoy the things you like.
Such as I enjoy mountain biking because… or I enjoy exploring new places and seeing new things because…. By presenting a unique take on a common experience it will help you stand out.
2: Spelling out the most common date, such as: I Love dinner and a movie, or love a Sunday walk followed by a roast dinner in a pub.
Again its 90 percent of the population’s most common date, it screams I’m not very imaginative.
Don’t put the words on your profile into describing your ideal date, put them into describing something about what you want from a relationship.
Describe why you want to meet someone and how you feel the partnership can tackle those obstacles you come across.
3: Stating clothing choices, such as equally comfortable in joggers or smart attire. Is this really your best selling point? Do you really need to mention this in the most important piece of free text that you have to grab someone’s attention?
If clothing is really important to you its ok to say so, but you need to point out why it is.
For example, does dressing smart empower you, or do you dress casually as you like to get out of the house in order to explore local places etc.
4: Spelling out you know how to treat a lady/man. This is along the right lines, but you need to tell them how you go about this, as people have different opinions on the best way to treat someone.
Instead of telling someone you know how to treat the opposite sex well tell them how you treat them well.
Perhaps you’re the old style romantic who would always open the door, or you always fix dinner for your guy, or perhaps you would always treat them to breakfast in bed on the weekend?
5: The most common one, let me guess you have never done this before? No one is born to internet date so at one point everyone has never done it before. Please don’t waste words writing this.
There is no real alternative, just avoid it!
Also, avoid saying that you have been burnt or hurt in previous relationships. Also, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Nobody wants to spend time with someone who sounds like they are sorry for themselves!
So avoid these profile cliches and you will stand out in the dating crowd!
Why not take a look at some of our other articles which might help:
Should you plan your first date?
Ideas for the first and second dates
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