Compare to

Compare to, online dating, tall singles, tall people
Compare to

In this article, we will compare to  It is our unbiased view of both sites to help you make the right decision. for those of you who don’t know is a dating site for people over 6 foot tall. That’s both men and women above 6 foot!

Here is an unbiased review of these two dating sites, we have come up with 6 topics you need to consider when choosing which of these sites to join.

1. What do you get for free?

On both sites you get exactly the same services for free:

  • You can create a profile and upload pictures
  • You can search for members
  • You can view other member’s profiles

2. What you get for paid membership

On both sites you get exactly the same extra benefits when you pay for membership:

  • Read and send messages
  • Put yourself in the Spotlight
  • Send gifts to members you like
  • Chat online with members
  • Subscribe to mobile alerts
  • Write your own dating diary

3. Mobile Aps

Both sites have very good mobile applications which are accessible on both iOS and Android.

4. Cost

The membership fees are exactly the same on each site (correct at the time of writing this post):

  • 6 month’s membership – £79.95 (£13.33 per month)
  • 3 month’s membership – £49.95 (£16.66 per month)
  • 1 month membership – £24.95

5. Membership numbers

One of the questions you will want to ask yourself when choosing a dating site is how many members does it have? And more importantly how many members live in your area? has 1,514,213 members in the UK, meeting our specific tall membership criteria which are women taller than 5’5 and men over 6’0. has 6,797 members in the UK.

6. Is there a community?

Having looked at the site, we don’t know what sort of community 6footlover has, but has two ways to speak to its tall community:

a) A great tall blog

It’s the one you’re reading now, where we share tall dating tips and tricks, news and tall humour.

b) A great Facebook Group

We have a great Facebook group called “What’s the weather like up there” (We hope you like the name as much as us!), it’s great to share tall stories, tall humour, jokes, basically anything tall-related. You can join by clicking HERE.


Thanks for reading this comparison and we hope it means you join the best dating site for you.


Don’t forget to check out our other comparison articles, you will find them here:

Comparing to

Comparing to


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