Don’t make these 5 internet dating mistakes?

don't make these 5 internet dating mistakes, Couple in the sunset, online dating, dating, couple
Couple in the sunset

Make sure you don’t make these 5 internet dating mistakes

Here are our top 5 internet dating mistakes that we see single people regularly make and that we want you to STOP making them right now!

1. Not uploading a profile photo

Now let me ask you a simple question. Would you go to a bar and chat to someone who was wearing a balaclava. The answer (unless you’re into that sort of thing) must be NO.Why? Well because the person has hidden their identity and you don’t really know who they are. They could the nicest person underneath, but they are hiding that from you.

Why? Well because the person has hidden their identity and you don’t really know who they are. They could the nicest person underneath, but they are hiding that from you.

It’s no different on internet dating sites. Without a profile picture, you look like you are hiding something and hiding something in a relationship is never a good way to start!

Plus remember your profile is the first thing someone looking for you online sees, it appears in search results and next to any messages you send! So it’s vital you get it right! Here is our handy free guide to getting the right profile picture

Check out two great articles we have on this:

What makes a good profile photo?

What additional photos should you upload in your profile?

2. Not taking time over your profile

Many people speed through their profile or don’t even complete it! The profile section is used to identify you in search results and is also one of the first things someone will read when they decide if they want to make contact.

Not taking time to complete this section really shows that you haven’t made the effort and that’s not going to go down well. The profile splits into two sections let’s take a quick look at both.

Multiple choice

There is a section for multiple choice, this helps the search function on the site pick out the most relevant people for someone’s search query.

Let’s take the following as an example. Let’s say you like “skiing” so in the hobbies section you click “skiing”. Now if someone is searching for people who like “skiing” as their interest as they really enjoy the same hobby, your profile has a good chance of being on their results list.

So only tick things that are relevant to you and that are true.

Free format

There is also a section where you can write something about yourself and about who you would like to meet.Now, this is where you really need to get your personality across to the person reading your profile. So make it fun, entertaining and interesting. You want someone to read it and think “Wow I really want to know more about this person”

Now, this is where you really need to get your personality across to the person reading your profile. So make it fun, entertaining and interesting. You want someone to read it and think “Wow I really want to know more about this person”

Also, try to pop in a couple of points here that someone could pick up on in an initial email. For example, you could put something like “I have a dream to drive across the USA”, or “I plan to run the London Marathon” etc.

We have a great post on writing your profile:

Want to know how to write the perfect profile message?


3. Writing very long messages

Don’t write really long messages, it shows that you have too much time on your hands and it can make the process of dating online really dull. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t answer their questions or ask your own in your reply, just don’t go on and on.

Getting the message length right is key, also key to the messages is learning from the next mistake.

Why not check out our post:

Write an attention-grabbing headline for your online dating message

4. Waiting too long to meet up

It’s not until you meet up with someone that you know if you really like them and if there is that magical spark! Everyone can sound good over a few messages, but what are they like to hold a conversation with?

There is no point spending 3 months emailing one another every day, only to find out that when you meet up there is no attraction. So keep it to a couple of messages and then be bold and suggest you meet up, yes you heard me you can be the one to make the move and yes that applies to women as well as men.

If it doesn’t go that well then put it down to a great experience and start finding someone new online. If it does work out, then fantastic, here’s to a great relationship.

5. Knowing your limits

Now we all like to think we have the body of David Beckham or the looks of Kelly Brook but in reality, that’s only true for a few of us.You have to approach people online who have the same level of instant visual appeal as you. For example, you are not going to see David Beckham date Sue Boyles, or Kelly Brook date Jeremy Clarkson (ok, I admit it a bit too far, but I hope you get my point).

You have to approach people online who have the same level of instant visual appeal as you. For example, you are not going to see David Beckham date Sue Boyles, or Kelly Brook date Jeremy Clarkson (ok, I admit it a bit too far, but I hope you get my point).

Deep down everyone knows their limits, I think you find them out at school. You know who the really good looking people were and you kind of knew where you fit on the scale. It’s the harsh truth, but it’s how love works. You’re usually not physically attracted to someone if they are in the lower league than you.

What happens when people start internet dating, is they immediately go after the league above. You want to date the best looking man/woman and you think you can just because you are on a dating site, rather than meeting them in person. So you send out 20 emails and you don’t get a reply, you’re disheartened and you leave the site.

But, IT WASN’T THE SITES FAULT, IT WAS YOURS, as you chose wrongly. Had you have gone for your league things could have turned out very differently.


So how many of these mistakes have you made?  1, 2? Well, now you can make sure you don’t make these 5 internet dating mistakes.

Did we leave anything off our list?  If we did, please drop them in the comments below.


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